Xbrick Features


The Xbricks have been combined here to create tiered seating which can now be used for all manner of activities.


Xbrick is light and easy to move around. Children can easily carry the modules to create their own spaces.

Individual seats

Xbrick can be used vertically to create seating for individuals at desks. Shown here with a Versatilis mobile table.

Children have fun in the classroom using Xbricks as stepping stones


The beauty of Xbrick is that it gives people opportunities to easily play with their space.


Create a stage setting for classroom performances.


Xbrick is so light and easy to move around, it is often used outside for group gatherings and impromptu meetings.


Create a presenters podium using five Xbricks. Combined in a way to have a private surface space to place the items of your choosing.


Integrated battery means you can take Xbrick anywhere indoors and outdoors and have instant access to power.


Make a sturdy bench that seats up to 4 people.

Learning through play

Learn while you play with Xbrick.

Personal stage

Use Xbricks to create personal stages.


Combine Xbricks with Flomo to make a secure table with a writable surface.

"Xbrick is a multifunctional module, suitable for indoor and outdoor use."