Join us for the next live Muzo TV show where we will be discussing with Jill Allshouse how to create a positive human experience in learning environments.
Jill Allshouse is an Accredited Learning Environment Planner (ALEP) and a passionate, progressive, educator.
Jill has spent 24 years in education. She spent her career in public education in a progressive school district in Texas called Coppell Independent School District. She spent time as an elementary educator, Reading Recovery educator, ESL facilitator and Director for ESL/Bilingual/Dual Language. During her time as an ESL facilitator she worked with all elementary ESL Newcomer students.
Jill is passionate about revolutionizing education to be student-driven, personalized and flooded with creativity. She is currently pursuing her doctorate in Organizational Change and Leadership at the University of Southern California.
Date: Monday October 5
Time: Begins 10:00am central
Sign up here: hello@muzo-works.com
We look forward to seeing you there,
Muzo team